DOT Tot has a full time cook to prepare the meals. We strive to accommodate all food allergies and if we need help we ask the parents. Most of our food items are homemade, although we do offer fish sticks, chicken nuggets, and hot dogs from time to time. If parents have a food preference and do not want their child to eat what is on the menu they are welcome to bring in an alternative meal. Menus are posted outside the kitchen and are subject to change. They are also emailed out to parents and copies can be printed at the parents’ request.
Food Preparation and Classroom Serving:
All food preparation will be done with gloves and a mask on.
All food will be served with Teacher wearing gloves and a face mask.
Food will remain covered and away from the children when not being served.
Paper products should be used when possible. If paper products are not available all dishes will go through dishwasher using sanitizing function.
Tables will be cleaned and disinfected before and after each meal.